Announcement of Certification as a 2023 Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization
Our company has been certified as a 2023 Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organization (Large Enterprise Category) under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program. This recognition will be valid for a consecutive 2-year period from FY 2022.
The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program is designed to acknowledge large-, medium-, and small-sized corporations that demonstrate excellent health management practices based on efforts to tackle local health challenges and promote health, as advocated by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
Our management philosophy is to “create a corporate culture that ensures prosperity for our employees and their families,” while our sustainability policy emphasizes “the utilization of diverse human resources and development of human resources capable of contributing to society.” We are committed to promoting various initiatives to establish a corporate culture that encourages active participation from employees of diverse backgrounds. Our goal is to foster a positive working environment that allows every employee to work with energy and passion towards our shared vision.
(Management philosophy of our company)
(Sustainability policy and specific efforts of our company)
Our company is dedicated to achieving sustainable growth and making a broad contribution to society by prioritizing the maintenance and promotion of health, including that of our employees’ families.